Chem Connextions is connecting chemical chemistry, worldwide and is one of the leading chemical innovative chemistry platforms engaged in connecting chemical industry and making their life easier by providing all chemicals and consultancy services that they require.
There is no limit to it and in case where chemicals are not available, we make tie-ups with the companies who makes the products based on customer’s requirement. With our customers at the heart of everything we do, our focus is to provide all desired information to our customers with sustainability using our 30+ years of extensive research, knowledge and experience of chemical industry. Our capability is to deliver values for our customers for their complex and multi-step chemistry projects, consultancy services and requirement of chemicals.
Chem Connextions is helping customers reimagine their products and services through our designed thinking and the application of online intelligence platform wherein we provide quick market information on the product development.
We feel that flow of information is more important in the chemical industry so Chem Connextions to provide all the information to its customers keeping in mind the safety, sustainability and community well-being with innovative ideas with implementation.